Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Demonstration of Soul Reaper Generation.

So, I'm new to Blogging and making things like this... so instead of all out describing how to create your own shinigami, I'm just going to demonstrate and you can do what I do with your own characters.

Name: Kiba Akuma
Rank: 3rd Seat.
Squad: Zero.
Age: Unknown.
Height: Approx. 6'3"
Weight: 187 lbs.
Zanpakuto: Myou Ranmyaku. (Chaos Destruction)
Weapon: When sealed, Myou Ranmyaku is a pair of steel gauntlets with spikes on the knuckles. In Shikai, Myou Ranmyaku is a twin pair of scimitars. A serrated edge, much like on the blade of a saw, adorns the black Scimitar, also known as Myou, Kiba's darkness. A standard smooth edge adorns the white Scimitar, also known as Atsui, formerly Ayame, Kiba's light.
Zanpakuto Release: Scream and Destroy, Myou Ranmyaku!
Bankai: Myou Ranmyaku Funka.(Chaos Destroying Eruption)
Bankai Appearance: Half black, half white long sword, black half serrated like a saw blade, white half smooth, both halves sharp. Handle is black wrapped in white clothe, the pommel of the handle rounded with a spike on one side.
Outfit: White shihakusho (Soul Reaper outfit) under a black Haori with the kanji for Zero on the back. His shihakusho is mildly altered with a black, lightning shaped fold down the center of his chest, branching off below his chest and wrapping around behind his back to connect and form a Celtic knot in the middle of his back. His Haori is torn at the base and he wears a steel mask covering his mouth and nose and clasped by a black iron clasp behind his head.
Vizard Mask: A black mask with red markings on one side and blue markings on the other. His final stage mask is a black mask with red and blue markings on both sides and wolf ears, the markings shaping his mask much like a wolf's face.
Hollow Form: Black wolf with red and blue markings on both sides of his body, his tail shaped much like a lightning bolt.
Reiatsu Color: Black.
Reiatsu Density: More powerful that Head Captain Yamamoto's bankai Reiatsu.
Final Bankai Form: Black steel armor with sort of bat man looking spikes on the top of his head. A black shield with a silver dragon emblazoned on the front and a long bladed broad sword.

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